utarnji Croatian Newspaper

utarnji Croatian Newspaper list is a daily newspaper in Croatia with a circulation of about 66,000 copies.It was launched in April 1998, becoming the first successful Croatian daily newspaper to appear since the 1950s.It was named after a Zagreb daily that used to circulate before WW2. In 2003, the paper also...


Country: Croatia

24sata Croatian Newspaper

24sata Croatian Newspaper is a Croatian compact published in Zagreb with a circulation of about 150,000 copies. 24sata is the youngest daily newspaper in Croatia. It was launched by Styria Medien AG, an Austrian media group, in March 2005. Its first editor-in-chief, Matija Babić, announced that the new newspaper would target...


Country: Croatia

El Espectador Colombian Newspaper

El Espectador Colombian Newspaper is a newspaper with national circulation within Colombia, founded by Fidel Cano Gutierrez on 22 March 1887 in Medellin and published since 1915 in Bogota. It changed from a daily to a weekly edition in 2001, following a financial crisis, and became a daily again on 11...


Country: Colombia

El Tiempo Colombian Newspaper

El Tiempo Colombian Newspaper is a daily newspaper in Colombia, a non-tabloid daily with national distribution. As of 2012, it had the highest circulation in Colombia with an average daily weekday circulation of 1,137,483, rising to 1,921,571 for the Sunday edition.After longtime rival El Espectador was reduced to a weekly publication...


Country: Colombia

Allgemeine Zeitung Newspaper Namibia

Allgemeine Zeitung Newspaper Namibia sees itself as a Namibian newspaper. It is written by 10 editors; Most of the staff members are either born or naturalized Namibians. The Newspaper is liberal-conservative orientated


Country: Namibia

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